London based 8-piece band caroline release a cover of experimental ambient artist claire rousay's 'Peak Chroma' ahead of their first US dates. Known for their highly improvisational performances and their acclaimed self titled debut that journeyed through minimalism, folk instrumentation with post-rock sensibilities, the band discuss their motivation behind the cover and give some insight into its recording: "Claire Rousay’s work has been a source of inspiration for us over the past two years. Recording this version of ‘peak chroma’ has been a way to explore our shared obsession with the incidental and improvisatory. The first half is a collage of improvisations performed in our studio (with saxophone by our friend Nathan Pigott) and the second half was recorded over a very hot three days in August when we stayed in Casper’s grandad’s house in Sussex. He had died recently and the house was almost completely empty. The home is perched right on the edge of the sea and we swam every morning." Condensed down from the original's 8 minute length, the cover is a gentle mix of clattering percussion, stuttering  acoustic guitars and subtly affected vocal, listen here and check out the minimal phone shot video. -Toby Evans-Jesra
